Instructions on uploading pictures

If you have digital pictures or have scanned in normal pictures, and wish to upload them so they can be posted for others to see, follow these directions.

First, put all your pictures in one folder, which the title of has your name a dash then what the event is.  For example: "tomkent-appalichia".  Inside this folder should be your pictures. 
If you know how to make a webpage, you are welcome to include an html file that I can link to that includes the references to the pictures and descriptions of what they are.  If you do not know how to make a web page, simply write the descriptions of all pictures in a plain text file (using notepad or something similar)  Each description should have the file name of the picture at the top...for instance:

In this picture, the group is sitting around watching Joe play guitar.

Once you have all the pictures arranged in a folder, you need to send it to the server.  To do this, click here: ftp://sta:students@ (hint, right click on it and select open in new window). 
If you have an advanced FTP client, the site is, the username is sta, the password is students.  Once you are in, go to the upload folder.  Here, you can drag and drop the folder that you made above.  Then send me an e-mail at to let me know that you put something there...otherwise it will take me a while to check it.